Sunday, February 10, 2008

Hula Ha Ha

Hula Halau Na Lei Hulu I Ka Wekiu presents
A Hula Intramural competition between three of the hula classes including soloists and several comedy themed Hula Ha Ha Performances.

The event was a benefit for the hula class of 2002's Huaka'i. The class will travel to O'ahu, Hawai'i in April.

A huaka'i is a learning trip that includes participating in customary Hawaiian rituals, visiting an ancient stone temple, learning new hula dances, working in taro patches, and visits with descendents of royal Hawaiians and historians of Hawaiian culture.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Wiggin Out! Yong's Fashion Wigs

Whether you're in need of a disguise or just looking to change your look for an evening out. Become a blonde, brunette or a flaming red head. Check out Yong's Fashion Wigs Located at 25 E Santa Clara St, San Jose, CA 95113 (408) 275-9747

Friday, February 1, 2008


What to do when you have no electricity.
I was due to arrive at 6a. I live 10 minutes away from Brittina and I received a 5a wake-up call from her. She was in a panic. Brittina told me that the power was out in her neighborhood. I told her not to panic and I’d be there soon... When I arrived, Brittina told me that she thought we should go to her friends house up the street. For those of you that know the City. Brittina lived in the Ave’s, her friend lived in The Embarcadero... I had no idea. I did loose about 40 minutes that morning. However all worked out well. I did get the party ready by the time her Groom came to the house to claim her.


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beauty product reviews

If you'd like your hair styling products, styling tools, skin care or cosmetics reviewed, feel free to contact me @


get your Do up!

c/o Armando Sarabia

630 N. 1st Street

San Jose, CA 94114

NOTE: “No product submitted for review will be returned, under any circumstance”

PRODUCTS REVIEWED: products received for review will be reviewed then posted no later than 4 weeks from date received


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get your Do up! reviews are given for exchange of product Should the product(s) received receive a unfavorable review , a favorable review or no review at all. get your Do up! will not pay for any product received for review. get your Do up! appreciates the opportunity to review your products.

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